Energy Healer

emmanuel sanchez


Sessions take place in person or at a distance. They last 45 minutes to 1 hour.


Energy cleansing can be performed in person or remotely. It lasts about 30 minutes.


Using a floor plan of your home, I’ll pinpoint any areas of disturbance that may be disturbing your sleep or making you ill.


I offer introductory and advanced courses in the use of the pendulum.

concerning emmanuel

I’m an energy therapist, also known as a “magnetiser” in France. I offer energy balancing sessions to relieve stress and promote well-being. I also practise and teach dowsing (the use of the pendulum).


The Universal Pendulum

A little-known tool invented by the Frenchmen André DE BELIZAL and Léon CHAUMERY after several years of study and experimentation. It is a transmitting and receiving pendulum that allows you to work in all frequencies.


Disbeliever? Sceptic? Although I respect those who believe and those who don’t, that’s quite normal! This Sunday, I was at the worst end of a toothache, winning on points and about to win by KO, and a guy in the group I was with offered to take away the pain with his hands, yes, only his hands?!
Me, incredulous? sceptical? I would have tried anything to get some relief and I accepted the challenge… In one minute the pain had reduced by half, in two minutes to a quarter, I couldn’t believe it, my mind could, because I started to think about things other than my tooth. After five minutes, my tooth remembered Emmanuel, because he had beaten it, by technical knockout. Now I’m wondering, am I still incredulous? sceptical?

David (SP)

Excellent practitioner, kind, very discreet, who from the very first session had a precise vision that helped me to relieve the discomfort I was feeling and which I hadn’t been relieved of until now.

I recommend him 100%!

Jenny (SP)

I met Emmanuel through someone I trusted who told me about his services.
I put my trust in him, and it didn’t take more sessions to see results and the solution to what was making me suffer at the time. I let go of the conflict and fear and regained my personal power.
I highly recommend him!

Rosa (SP)

I was treated by Emmanuel for persistent back and leg pain.
The session was done remotely. I immediately felt the energies circulating, I was quickly relieved and I felt an intense sense of well-being.
I’ll be calling on her expertise again and you’ll think it’s great. What’s more, he’s someone who quickly targets your problem, treating both body and mind!

Latifa (AUS)

I was lucky enough to have several sessions with Emmanuel. From physical treatments (angina, bronchial tubes) to more emotional treatments (energy, exhaustion, stress).
The first time I asked him for help, it was to treat a physical and emotional problem I’d been suffering from for many years, due to an ovary that was causing me temporary depression. Western medicine wasn’t helping. And it was becoming increasingly unbearable for me.
So I asked her for help and after the session, I noticed a different energy, I no longer had any physical symptoms and I was myself again, with the same strength and energy as always. Within the same month, I noticed that my ovarian symptoms had eased considerably.
Since then, whenever I feel my energy is low or I’m in physical or emotional pain, I ask her to treat it.
I highly recommend him to everyone around me, above all for his professionalism, his humility and his results.

Carolina (SP)

I met Emmanuel at a professional meeting. We decided to share our practices, as I’m also a therapist.
At the time, I was having problems with my hands. I was finding it difficult to bend my fingers completely, and it was painful when I forced them a little. I was a bit sceptical at first, but without questioning his skills, two sessions were enough to solve the problem. That was six months ago and since then my fingers have regained their flexibility and I no longer have any pain. I took the opportunity to have further sessions at a distance afterwards, which were just as effective.
I’ve tried a lot of techniques of this type in my life, met charlatans and good ‘healers’, and I can tell you that Emmanuel is one of the good ones. You can trust him.

Véronique (FR)

I contacted Emmanuel because of persistent eczema on my hands. He first came to my home. We then had two distant sessions to solve my problem. Very attentive, very professional and really available. I’m really glad I called him! My eczema problem is almost completely solved.
Thank you, Emmanuel, for your support! Thank you for taking the time to soothe my fears!

Emeline (FR)



For French speakers, Anthony Chene and Xavier Faye offer quality documentaries on a range of themes. 


Pilates à barcelone

Beatriz Wyser offers exercises tailored to your needs.

a message, a comment, a testimonial…

where to find me

In Barcelona (Spain)

In Strasbourg (France) and surrounding area:
Home visits.


+33 601 77 51 42
